Monday, October 3, 2011


What We Did Today
We corrected our Measuring Length worksheet and the emphasis was on accurate measurement to the nearest mm. Students then got their Scientific Method tests back and we went over the answers. Students who scored below 21 are required to make corrections. Those students who scored between 21 and 26 may choose to do them. Corrections must be made on a separate sheet of paper. The question is to be written out and then the answer must follow it. After writing the correct answer, the student must state why their original answer did not make sense.  Students will earn back half of their points if done correctly. I will not check the work if it is not set up like stated above.
***FYI - Daily Science quiz is tomorrow - make sure you have all 12 complete for tomorrow - remember you get to use  your papers.
"Super Scientists" must be turned in tomorrow if you have not done so already. Corrections are due Tuesday (follow directions above).
Discussion Starters
What do scientists do?

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